Orthopädie am Rhy

Basel, Rheinfelden, Liestal

Schulter, Hand, Ellenbogen, Wirbelsäule, Füfte, Fuss

The practice team in RHEINFELDEN

Dr Moritz Dau

Specialist FMH, Sports medicine, SEMS
Interventional pain management SSIPM
Ultrasound on the musculoskeletal system SGUM
Manual medicine/Chirotherapy SAMM
Entire musculoskeletal system & spine

Ingo Nolte

Specialist in hand surgery FMH

Main focus: Hand, elbow

Dr Carsten Helfrich

Specialist for Orthopaedic Surgery and
Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System

Main focus: hips, knees

Dr Christian Mauch

Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system FMH

Main focus: Shoulder, knee

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Dr Caspar Steiner

Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system FMH

Main focus: Foot, Ankle joint

Jaroslaw Boronczyk

Specialist in orthopaedics
Deputy Dr. Moritz Dau

Ultrasound, pain therapy, chirotherapy

Focus: Conservative therapy

Vivienne Dietwyler

Practice coordinator, MPA

Melinda Ademi


Désirée Perroud


Loreana Cinao


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Orthopädie am Rhy


Orthopädie am Rhy

Basel, Rheinfelden, Liestal